Char Owen Portfolio

Sunday, 30 May 2010

This Is Why I Don't Eat Beef

Anchors new TV Spot. A lot of agencies seem to be doing the cute-funny thing at the moment. I think it's great.

Friday, 28 May 2010


Unless you've been living under a rock you will know it's the International release of the Apple Ipad today. I wrote about the Ipad a while back and my excitement for it hasn't increased. I'm perfectly happy with my Macbook Pro and Blackberry thanks!

Although the thought of designing advertising apps for the Ipad does excite me. Geek?

Who Needs Bleach?

Ain't I a beaut?

Mentos new digital campaign which connects to your webcam and shows users what they would look like with white teeth. There's nothing like a mentos kiss..

Spot Me!

Alright Blondey!

Advertising class 2010 (the good ones anyway ha)

Keep your kicks to yourself!

It's no secret that I love trainers even if I'm currently living in my navy classic vans - summer kicks. I snap up Sneaker Freaker magazine whenever I can get my grubby mits on it and fight back the tears as I'm too poor to buy any new ones at the moment. So here's the issue.. I keep coming across features on New Balance trainers and I just can't see the fascination?

I'm trying hard to see their charm but it's really not happening. I had the same problem with Nike Air a few years ago but they grew on me thanks to an ex. I find them pretty offensive to the eye and fail to see them either matching an outfit or contrasting so much that they actually look cool. Anyone care to enlighten me on what the attraction is?

Now these Rock Terminators are something to get excited about. I would have killed to get my hands on some of these last year. It sadly wasn't to be and in my frustration with Nike I bought...

I regret this choice.


I've recently been rambling on about finishing university and having to get a job etc. THE REAL WORLD. I got this book out of the library the other day and it's a really interesting read and very informative about the advertising industry as a whole. To be honest I like books with pictures, which probably sounds ridiculous coming from a 21 year old graduate BUT this book is witty and makes up for the lack of visuals. It basically told me my creative CV was a load of shit and way too over the top. I agree, time to sort it out.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

HP Guerrilla Wall!

HP recently pulled a Guerrilla stunt in Istanbul to promote their new TouchSmart. A local artist graffitied over a wall and three TouchSmarts were installed allowing people to create art with their fingers. Participants are entered into a competition to win a TouchSmart.

They look pretty cool but I'm an Apple girl :) my mackbook pro runs my life!